The Promotion of Traditional Production Industry Through Archived Artworks
計畫編號:NSC 95-2422-H-144 -002 -
執行期間:2006/3/1 至 2007/2/28
為落實「創意加值」概念,本計畫精選「鳳甲美術館」、「席德進文教基金會」兩館收藏之知名台灣畫家數位化之畫作,歷經藝術品數位化至完整授權、開發創意加值商品與行銷推廣等階段,數位化加值應用及服務流程已完成建置。在本計畫中,典藏單位鳳甲美術館與席德進基金會扮演數位素材提供者,將此藝術素材授權於國立臺灣藝術大學圖文傳播藝術學系ACT Media Lab研究團隊,進行相關加值商品之設計與開發;同時,為落實產學合作之概念,本計畫與「攝影人數位影像製作」、「亞富國際股份有限公司」及「光陽工業股份有限公司」等國內三家知名企業合作以進行創意加值商品之開發。
- 教育加值: 基於保存文化資產,本計畫典藏單位-鳳甲美術館-精選了115件作品,並給予每件作品賞析詮釋、作者生平等相關資料,且將作品及其資料數位化建置而成此區。
- 文化加值: 建構「精品賞析」、「藝術家大賞」及「活動花絮」等資料庫。在「精品賞析」中,鉅細靡遺地呈現115件含概不同創作媒材的藝術作品;「藝術家大賞」以深入完整地介紹台灣當代藝術家為主;「活動花絮」即以提供豐富多元的博物館藝文資訊為主軸。
- 商業加值: 本研究之商業加值模式由ACT Media Lab、攝影人數位影像股份有限公司、亞富國際股份有限公司、光陽股份有限公司等產學單位合作執行。本研究之商業加值商品包括:藝術門、藝術掛磚、藝術皮件及藝術面板。
- 活動加值: 藉由一系列的活動推廣,本研究希冀吸引民眾領略數位藝術文化之美,同時,透過活動推廣及各類媒體報導的宣傳效益提高本研究之商業加值商品之曝光。
In this project, from digitizing artwork to establish art licensing system, a model for the value-added applications and services was developed. The research team, ACT (Arts, Creativity, Technology) Media LAB in the Department of Graphic Communication Arts at National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) was responsible for planning and implementing the whole process. Hong-gah Museum, as the content holder, provided their valuable digital contents such as oil paintings, water color painting, calligraphy, etc. A licensing company, ArtKey, was responsible for obtaining the commercial authorization of the digital contents from Hong-gah Museum, meanwhile, three manufacturers (PMI, IF, and KYMCO) were responsible for producing merchandises such as art doors or leather products.
This project was divided into four major areas of value-added applications: Learning and Education, Culture Preservation and Inheritance, Promotion via Activities, and E-commerce and Business Models. A website of this project was designed to enable Taiwanese art more accessible to the general public, and to serve as a platform for e-commerce to sell the merchandise developed by this project on line.
- Learning and Education: In Learning and Education value-added application section, based on the purpose of permanent culture heritage preservation, a digital art information center was created. Each artwork is shown with its metadata such as its title, artist name, size, media, and year of creation. Moreover, it is especially introduced as “the Beauty of Embroidery,” and an e-book was developed with the same content in nature.
- Culture Preservation and Inheritance: It was constructed based on a digital art park concept which was divided into “Selected Artworks,” “the Hall of Fame,” and “Activity Information”. In “Selected Artworks,” 115 artworks created by different media were selected from the collection for detailed introduction. “The Hall of Fame” was especially constructed to depict twentieth-century Taiwanese artists. Furthermore, “Activity Information” is the sub-section providing information about art and cultural activities of the museum and the project.
- Promotion via Activities: Through a series of promotion activities, this project does not only attract more people to appreciate the beauty of digital artworks, but also promote the new business model of university-industry cooperation, and of course, the merchandises developed by this project. All of the outputs or related news in this project were exposed and reported in major mass media and important events.
- E-commerce and Business Models: The business model carried out by this project by incorporating the ACT Media Lab of NTUA (the academic sector) and PMI, IF, KYMCO (the industry sector), is considered a successful try. These impressive outputs from this project include Art doors, Art ceramic tiles, Art purses and Art faceplates.