

A Planning Research for Developing Kaohsiung County's Cultural Network
執行期間:2005/01/01 至 2005/06/30


行政院文化建設委員會配合「挑戰2008國家重點發展計畫」,規劃「網路文化建設發展計畫」將結合網路科技與數位技術,建置具有開放性機制,俾全民參與典藏、便利取用資訊,以達到如下之目標:1. 全民參與文化保存、詮釋與創造的環境。2. 整合全國文化資源,提供全民共享。3. 提供文化資料累積與活化利用的機制。「網路文化建設發展計畫」又分為七項分項子計畫:
  1. 國家文化資料庫建置計畫:為網路文化資訊中心之基礎建設,透過此計劃蒐集、調查全國之藝文資源。
  2. 國家文化藝術人才庫計畫:將可有效的掌握全國藝術創作人才及相關作品。
  3. 文化藝術主題知識庫:主要在建立文化藝術主題詞庫,此知識庫是民眾了解文化藝術相關名詞的重要工具。
  4. 數位文化藝術加值計畫:數位文化藝術資料的加值利用包括,電子商務、網路劇院、網路美術館及其他商業性應用等。
  5. 文化藝術數位資源應用與呈現計畫:數位文化資源著重推廣應用,使藝術資源廣泛運用於學習、休閒、娛樂、研究等各方面。
  6. 文化藝術機構資訊基礎建設:文化藝術機構以展覽活動為主,整合全國文化藝術各項資源與資訊。
  7. 文化藝術活動資訊網路:全國文化藝術活動資訊網絡的建置,可以讓民眾及時掌握最新的訊息。

  1. 高雄縣網路文化建設發展現況。
  2. 高雄縣網路文化建設發展藍圖。
  3. 數位典藏發展規劃。
  4. 鳳邑數位博物館網站架構之規劃。
  5. 鳳邑數位圖書館發展之規劃。
  6. 數位軟、硬體設備之規劃(須導入各項分年計畫中)。
  7. 人力資源運用規劃(須導入各項分年計畫中)。
  8. 發展效益及影響評估。



Plant Dye and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Added-Value Center
計畫編號:NSC 93-2422-H-144-001
執行期間:2004/3/1 至 2005/2/28


Many different dyes are found naturally in soils, plants and minerals. For thousands of years, humans have known how to extract and utilize dyes from plant roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. In Taiwan, Taichung County has been famous for its traditional knitting art patterns. One of the major tasks of the Taichung County Cultural Center Knitting Museum (TCCCKM) is to discover and collect different kinds of braids, weaves, knits, dyes and embroideries from throughout Taiwan. By displaying such items, the museum promotes and educates the general public about traditional and modern art practices in the region.

To share these resources and conform to the Value-added Program of the National Science Council (NSC), the purpose of study was to integrate most of the TCCCKM’s archives and collections into a Plant Dye and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center. This center is a valuable resource for the academic, industrial and business sectors. For the academic sector, the learning center integrates the latest technology developments and research into a digital learning environment for interested users. For the industry sector, the center provides a platform for related artist groups and industries to promote the development of new products, and design unique products and brands for specific marketing. For business, an online purchasing and bidding system establishes a network for artists and creators to sell their plant dye and knitting products.

This study used documentary analysis, field study, and questionnaire survey methods to construct the Plant Dye and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center. The research began with collecting traditional dyeing and knitting artworks and related literature materials to develop digital contents of the academic sector. Meanwhile, the study conducted many field studies to collect and assemble Taiwan’s plant dye and knitting database. Due to the limitation of time, money, and human resource, questionnaire survey was used as the supplementary method to construct the database.

The main contribution of this project was to consolidate information sources on knitting art and dye materials and to apply this data for the benefit of the academic, industrial and business sectors. The results of the Plant Dye and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center consist of “Dyeing Center,” “Plant Dye and Knitting Education Center,” “Dyeing and Design Center,” “On-line Interactive Learning Center, ” “Plant Dye and Knitting Blog,” “Plant Dye and Knitting Resource Database,” “e-Market,” and “Promotion Activities of Plant Dye and Knitting Arts and Culture” The Plant Dye and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center can be retrieved from: