Ju-Ming Digital Sculpture Zone and Added-Value Center
計畫編號:NSC 94-2422-H-144-002-
執行期間:2005/5/1 至 2006/4/30
The main purpose of this project was to create a platform to enhance the sculpture arts, the heritage of sculpture knowledge, the cultivation of sculpture artists, the generalization and distribution of sculpture education and folks arts, the appreciation of arts, and aesthetics. Furthermore, this project was designed to construct a virtual creative culture park to assist artists for sharing and discussing sculpture related issues. This virtual park (website) is also accessible for publics in the information and knowledge of sculpture arts and the aesthetic concept of Mr. Ju, Ming, the founder of Juming Art Museum. It is hoped that the sculpture arts resources and heritage could be preserved and maintained through the establishment of this digital sculpture zone. Finally, the digital sculpture zone would provide a trade platform for promoting creative sculpture merchandise, and fulfilling e-commerce application development.
- 知識加值:建立雕塑藝術知識庫,內有雕塑示範教學館、雕塑互動學習屋,提供線上互動學習與製作。本知識庫單元是以電子書的排版方式編輯,已加值應用產出為電子書及數位出版品。
- 文化加值:建立創意文化園區,蒐集各地方社區雕塑文化園區資料,以及國內雕塑藝術家相關介紹。雕塑家訪談影片以及朱銘老師雕塑示範教學影帶已加值應用為數位學習教材。
- 活動加值:以應用加值方式推廣雕塑藝術文化活動,期間所舉辦的活動有朱銘美術館陸海空三軍校閱典禮以及94年度於台北探索館的國科會成果展中勇闖雕塑新樂園競賽活動,以舉辦活動達到藝文活動及商品宣傳之效果。
- 商業加值:商品開發與電子商務交易平台的建立,將創意的概念經過加值設計,開發中價位的創意商品與生活商品,透過電子商務的規劃及美術館實體商店通路創造產業價值。
The main purpose of this project was to create a platform to enhance the sculpture arts, the heritage of sculpture knowledge, the cultivation of sculpture artists, the generalization and distribution of sculpture education and folks arts, the appreciation of arts, and aesthetics. Furthermore, this project was designed to construct a virtual creative culture park to assist artists for sharing and discussing sculpture related issues. This virtual park (website) is also accessible for publics in the information and knowledge of sculpture arts and the aesthetic concept of Mr. Ju, Ming, the founder of Juming Art Museum. It is hoped that the sculpture arts resources and heritage could be preserved and maintained through the establishment of this digital sculpture zone. Finally, the digital sculpture zone would provide a trade platform for promoting creative sculpture merchandise, and fulfilling e-commerce application development.
This study constructed the added-value center based on the following directions:
- Knowledge value-added. Builded a sculpture art knowledge database focusing on the tools and materials of sculpturing, the sculpture on-line tutorials, the interaction of sculpture ideas, and the online sculpture learning and practice.
- Culture value-added. Established a creative cultural website with sections of online group discussion, on-line sculpture community services, and the Q&A for world wide sculpture artists to answer users’ questions.
- Affair value-added. Promoted sculpture arts and culture activities enough the added-value center, this study will hold sculpture festivals and camp to conduct the promotion using interactive, learning, knowledge, and accessible content.
- Business value-added. The study developed creative sculputure products and an e-commercial trade platform to promote sculptural industry values. The creative products include daily commodities, and instructional materials such as Chinese chess.