Plant Dye and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Added-Value Center
計畫編號:NSC 93-2422-H-144-001
執行期間:2004/3/1 至 2005/2/28
Many different dyes are found naturally in soils, plants and minerals. For thousands of years, humans have known how to extract and utilize dyes from plant roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. In Taiwan, Taichung County has been famous for its traditional knitting art patterns. One of the major tasks of the Taichung County Cultural Center Knitting Museum (TCCCKM) is to discover and collect different kinds of braids, weaves, knits, dyes and embroideries from throughout Taiwan. By displaying such items, the museum promotes and educates the general public about traditional and modern art practices in the region.
To share these resources and conform to the Value-added Program of the National Science Council (NSC), the purpose of study was to integrate most of the TCCCKM’s archives and collections into a Plant Dye and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center. This center is a valuable resource for the academic, industrial and business sectors. For the academic sector, the learning center integrates the latest technology developments and research into a digital learning environment for interested users. For the industry sector, the center provides a platform for related artist groups and industries to promote the development of new products, and design unique products and brands for specific marketing. For business, an online purchasing and bidding system establishes a network for artists and creators to sell their plant dye and knitting products.
This study used documentary analysis, field study, and questionnaire survey methods to construct the Plant Dye and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center. The research began with collecting traditional dyeing and knitting artworks and related literature materials to develop digital contents of the academic sector. Meanwhile, the study conducted many field studies to collect and assemble Taiwan’s plant dye and knitting database. Due to the limitation of time, money, and human resource, questionnaire survey was used as the supplementary method to construct the database.
The main contribution of this project was to consolidate information sources on knitting art and dye materials and to apply this data for the benefit of the academic, industrial and business sectors. The results of the Plant Dye and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center consist of “Dyeing Center,” “Plant Dye and Knitting Education Center,” “Dyeing and Design Center,” “On-line Interactive Learning Center, ” “Plant Dye and Knitting Blog,” “Plant Dye and Knitting Resource Database,” “e-Market,” and “Promotion Activities of Plant Dye and Knitting Arts and Culture” The Plant Dye and Knitting Art Digital Learning and Value-added Center can be retrieved from: